
ChromaChecker Nano



Welcome to ChromaChecker Nano

ChromaChecker Nano measures surface characteristics and color for virtually any product or print where consistency and branding is important. Unlike traditional measurement devices, ChromaChecker Nano assesses the visual appearance of the entire object (as the human eye perceives it) and can tie pass-fail metrics to different attributes to ensure it meets customer expectations every time. Speed and simplicity with a single measurement while providing sophisticated assessments for appearance-critical jobs.




1. Measures Surface Characteristics

2. Average and Dominant Color Value

3. Pass/Fail Using Any Combination of Metrics

4. Report Trending of Physical Product Characteristics

by Colorix

ChromaChecker NANO


Measures surface characteristics
that affect appearance


M - Surface Match

U - Uniformity

V - Color Vibrance

Index that qualifies potential surface match

Parameter that describes object complexity (pixel variations)

Quantifies objects that have multi-colored points materials

Wood Paper Pearl Paint Satin Wall Paint 090BR Silver gray
M = 87% U = 0.6 U = 6.0 V = 3.7 V = 8.2



Measures average color and dominant color which truly represents what the eye perceives



Reference Sample

Dominant ∆E = 0.5

Average ∆E = 1.9

Dominant ∆E = 1.0

Average ∆E = 3.5


Dynamic aperture allows user to measure any size sample from 0.3 to 6.2 mm

No sample is too small to measure, unique dynamic aperture allows operator to measure any size color sample



Pass/Fail based on any combination of measurement metrics


Records picture of every reference and every sample made


Same Color,
Same Structure

Same Color,
Different Structure

Same Color,
Different Structure

Same Structure,
Different Color

Multiple tolerance settings, customize any combination of tolerances
to ensure sample meets expectations.


Report trending of physical product characteristics



Track numerous metrics relative to all products over time and to each other



Reports to management and line managers providing real time report cards on performance


Application Examples  


The identical color substrate with 13 different embossed patterns recognizable by Nano, with or without printing applied.




Download the full presentation of the
CC Nano capabilities in a PDF file.
Eliminate subjectivity by measuring defects of structural varnishes even on metalized silver paper using a quantitative process.




 Watch a short video showing some of the capabilities of ChromaChecker Nano technology


Watch a Webinar organized by Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies in Munich, Germany - 2021, 13 January


Complete kit for color control 
and surface characteristics


by Colorix

ChromaChecker NANO


Nano Color Inspector 



Pricing CC Nano & Test Drive

Includes: Instrument, IOS Software, Cloud Tracking, Library

  • No obligation trial period. Users may try ChromaChecker Nano for testing purposes for 14 days
    ($600 DEPOSIT)



If you are interested in purchasing or testing please contact us:


phone 1.800.917.4568



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