

Second Tuesday Webinar - Registration



 "Appearance" Conformance
(CC Gloss Meter Support)



This month, we’re adding the support for a new instrument: a three-angle gloss meter. Gloss significantly affects the appearance of color prints, influenced by factors like paper, ink, and coatings. Changes in gloss can alter a product's look, so this tool helps ensure consistency of appearance related to gloss.

 ChromaChecker has integrated a high-quality, three-angle gloss meter compatible with Capture and all supported spectrophotometers. This addition allows companies to measure not just color conformance but also "appearance" conformance, ensuring production meets customer expectations.
In this session, we'll demonstrate the gloss meter's flexibility in capturing and storing the gloss component of any variable as part of the desired reference appearance condition.


 "Second TuesdayWebinar

August 13, 2024, at 12:00 ET, and it will last an hour

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