

January 11, 2023

Print Inspector - Quick Start Guide

The Print Inspector now has a new Add Device Wizard that will step you through the setup for adding printers, adding and assigning staff, and downloading the correct software for your instrumentation.


  • This tutorial is to show how to configure ChromaChecker for Getting Started with a new account after registration.

  • This tutorial shows you how to compare print conditions with various substrates to determine how many profiles are required to based on the various types of print conditions you typically run in production.

  • Print Inspector Large dashboard – Tutorial to help users interpret how they can visualize their printers.

  • Print Inspector in detail – Tutorial to show options when user goes into the track and can understand the variation of the substrate, within page uniformity, the drift of a printer after G7 curves, or profiled to help understand when you need to re-profile, and see the effect of lack of repeatability on accuracy.

  • Understanding what is normal for every printer is critical to be able to control it and manage it to a common reference that all other printing devices can achieve which provides end-to-end color accuracy.

  • Learn how companies like LOB, 4Over, Moo, and Vistaprint use ChromaChecker to effectively manage internal and outsourced print and production processes.

Contact ChromaChecker Support

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