

November 21, 2022

Understanding SCCA

SCCA - Substrate-Corrected Color Aim


Description by Idealliance:

"The Substrate Relativity (SCCA) Calculator allows advanced users the ability to recalculate industry standard or custom characterization data sets based on the CIELAB values of a given substrate. The procedure utilizes the tristimulus correction methodology defined in ISO 13655 Annex A for correcting measurements based on two backing materials. Once the data is modified relative to the new CIELAB values, the user is provided an idea on how the substrates color will affect the final printed result. The recalculated data can be used to generate profiles for more accurate proofing/converting, and the reported CMYK, RGB, and Gray patches can be used for new process control aims when on press with the new substrate."


→ ChromaChecker free online SCCA Calculator


Other sources of knowledge:

ChromaChecker Print Inspector makes it possible to apply SCCA calculation to all measurements. By default, all black backing measurements are calculated to SCCA recalculated Aims.


Important notes:

  • SCCA is changing Aims, never Measurement. that is why corrected values have to be displayed. If your primary aims are defined as GRACoL - and you enabled SCCA or specified backing as black - real aims are different! 

  • The SCCA formula is working well when the production substrate is less than 4 ∆E from the source specification!  For higher differences, a dedicated ICC profile should be created.






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