

June 21, 2024

Accountability Inspector

User Access and Customization

  • Unique Logins: Each user receives a unique login accessible from the login page, the iOS app, or the Capture client software. These logins are customized to their specific responsibilities.
  • Real-time Dashboard: Provides a real-time dashboard displaying key performance indicators (KPI) and reports, showing weekly and monthly performance metrics for managers' and operators' devices.

Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Proactive Approach: All devices, including printing devices, lighting booths, instruments, platesetters, and data loggers, are monitored to shift the organization from a reactive "break-fix" approach to a proactive maintenance and quality control strategy.

Example Assignments

  • Operational Integrity: Ensure each instrument and printer is operating correctly.
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Ensure proper maintenance is performed at the appropriate time.
  • Compliance Verification: Verify devices meet compliance requirements.
  • Certification and Audits: Provide certification labels for audit purposes and documentation required for ISO 9000 compliance.


  • Conformance Checks: Informs responsible personnel when a printer, instrument, or light booth is due for a conformance check.
  • Dashboard Indicators: Uses green, yellow, or red icons on the Print Inspector dashboard to show the status of each device, ensuring managers that operators are regularly assessing critical variables.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces unnecessary factory returns and ensures that light booth bulbs are replaced based on performance rather than arbitrary dates, saving money and improving accuracy.


  • Three Levels of Reports: Provides different reports tailored to various roles within the organization, focusing on continuous improvement.
  • Weekly Feedback: Includes an eight-week trend line showing device performance compared to the company average, indicating whether the operation of each device is improving or declining over time.

These features collectively support a structured and efficient workflow, ensuring high standards of maintenance, compliance, and operational excellence.



  • This tutorial covers the Accountability Inspector to define staff and assignment of instruments, devices, light booths, plate setters, etc.

  • ChromaChecker provides a view for operators running printing devices to see the results of measurement data. This tutorial shows the Color Champion managing the system to setup access for the operators.

  • This tutorial covers ChromaChecker Accountability Inspector for reporting notifications. Print Buyers, Management and Operators can receive reports for devices, locations and productivity that adhere to compliance and tolerances goals.

  • For Print Buyers and Printers today reporting on color quality is a critical part of communication. This tutorial shows how to create a Job Report using ChromaChecker's job reporting functionality. This is designed for both Print Buyers and Printers to best communicate color conformance and define processes that increase productivity.

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