

May 7, 2021

Your E-Factor is 2


You are very demanding when expecting a 2 E-Factor for a color “match”. Spot Color production on controlled substrates (substrate with an E-Factor of .25) can be managed with to a 2 ∆E, but it is very demanding and state of the art, automated, accurate measurement equipment (with an E-Factor of less than .25), has to be used in conjunction with ChromaChecker Instrument Harmonizer. Regarding process color production, the only way to manage the process to a 2 ∆E is to color manage and optimize the printer using optimized device links to eliminate extra CMY and replace with K. Most conventional and digital presses cannot maintain an E-Factor of 2, only inkjet proofing devices, like an Epson, have this level of precision and accuracy (hence they are used for proofing).

ChromaChecker has PDF files that can be used to benchmark any printing process to quantify the devices E-Factor. Click here to learn more about ChromaChecker printer benchmarking. 

Click here, if you are a print manufacturing company, to see what tools in ChromaChecker will help your organization transition to a top-level print manufacturer.

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