

January 5, 2023

CC-400 RGB data set

CC-392 RGB

A horizontal version is designed to reduce the number of rows with a maximal number of patches per row supported by most of the instruments on the market.


 Go to 

Scanning templates Public Library

and select the CC-392 template for your Instrument or if not exist 

go to 

Public Library of Control Strips

import CC-392 RGB, then create 

New Scanning Template

that bind this control strip with your Instrument.

Once the Scanning Template is on your account - refresh CC Capture to have it on the list.


CC-406 RGB (iSis)


This is a vertical layout with an additional "white line" on the top that is designed for iSis compatibility. 

Go to: 

Scanning Template's Public Library

and import CC-406-RGB to your account. Refresh CC Capture - the new template should be accessible.





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