

October 29, 2021

CC Capture Print Inspector

Basic operations

The most typical task for the operator is control strip reading. It is very easy, especially if the operator has a limited number of tasks assigned to him. If he is working with a single press and one control strip is extremely easy- the risk of mistake is reduced to minimal 


Automatization for easier and more efficient work.

Remote Instrument 

This is a unique feature where CC Capture is used to display reports created by a press integrated system (e.g. Heidelberg Image Control. X-Rite InterlliTrax, or any other that feeds CC system with data already).

To read more about Remote Instruments click here.



CC Capture Print Inspector offers a lot of additional features.

  • Variation Evaluation
  • G7™ conformance
  • Create G7™ Calibration curves
  • Create ICC Profile (RGB or CMYK require an additional license)
  • Save report as a PDF
  • Print Label 



Unique features - that no other application on the market offers:

  1. Incredibly friendly - The Operator's features and centrally manageable. It can be defined by the CC champion how complex it is.
  2. Basic Operator Check-lists. The system offers additional tools that make the production process better controlled. 
  3. Adoption to advancement level - some options depend on Operator's skill - Advanced Operator can do more.
  4. E-Factor based reporting system
  5. Event Manager - the ability to place an event  (rack and press level timelines).
  6. CC Capture can measure a single control strip that has patches defined in various color spaces: CMYK. RGB, Hi_FI, ECG, Lab, Spot... 
  7. It can measure special patches like DUD, Slurring/Doubling, Black-Overprinted, On-Black-Backing, and more. 
  8. Control strip PDF generator - include Data Matric code for automatization.
  9. Bar-code automatization in various areas
  10. Build-in video tutorial system adopted to specific hardware configuration.
  11. Build-in Instrument tracking - a dedicated T-42 Target helps to trust measurements

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