Is your web browser color managed?
The sky is blue, the truck is red. If the images are not identical, then your web browser doesn't support display (RGB matrix profiles) color management.
If you the images do not match, change your web browser to another one. Without browser color management, you will be not able to use the visual tolerancing tools within ChromaChecker such as the Online E-Factor™ exercise or the Spot or Image ∆E Exercises.
An example of a browser not supporting color management:

Does your web browser support CMYK or other LUT profiles?
The water in the background is blue. Are the two images very similar? If you see green water, then CMYK images with embedded profiles do not display correctly in your browser. Many web browsers have limitations when rendering CMYK images with profiles, and this should change how you prepare images to be displayed via web browsers. If the browser has this limitation, then CMYK image content is not displayed reliably.
ChromaChecker online tools don't require this capability - so even when if your browser fails this test, you can still run Personal E-Factor™, Spot, and Image ∆E Exercises.
An example of a Web Browser that doesn't support LUT profiles:

Is your monitor capable to display wide gamut content?
The picture on the left side is rendering a small gamut (sRGB), the picture on the right side is defined in ProPhoto RGB color space. When displayed on wide-gamut monitors you will see bright, saturated colors on the right. On low-quality monitors, the picture on the right side will be dark and grayish.
When Monitor is not able to display wide-gamut content:

A wide gamut monitor is visibly better for graphic applications. It is recommended but not required for ChromaChecker tools.

Compare your monitor gamut to sRGB
Compare the gamut of different color spaces on your monitor? The more difference you can see, the bigger the monitor gamut is from sRGB.
An example: the monitor gamut is reduced to sRGB:

What is your monitor gamma?
Important notice: Be sure to set Web browser zoom to 100% -- native/hardware resolution. On some configurations, this will not be possible and this test will not work properly. If you have an Apple Retina display- skip this step.

Monochromatic, neutral gradient?
Important notice: set your browser zoom to exactly 100%
If you have an Apple Retina display- skip this step.
Can you see a near-neutral monochromatic gradient (all gray) or colored stripes (bad)? Move your head left to right and top to bottom. Does viewing angle change the ability to see the gray/color ramps?
If you observe that colors in this step are very dependent on a viewing angle, or you just see CMY or RGB patches – your monitor is not recommended for graphic applications.
We do not advise running the Personal E-Factor™ online test on it.
Be sure to set Web browser zoom to 100% -- native/hardware resolution. On some configurations, this will not be possible and this test will not work properly.
Bellow an example of the issue: |
The correct appearance of the test: |

Verify your Display with CC Display free of charge.
There are some basic tests that you can run anonymously with no obligation of even registering an account. Only need a supported measurement instrument. We have created a number of educational documents that will help you understand some important topics related to color and making color management work:
- Uniformity is a key parameter for trusting color on your display; non-uniform displays can't be calibrated and profiled. CC Display can test your monitor's uniformity based on 9 positions on the screen. Click here to learn more.

- Evaluate your monitor Gamut Volume Test. You can check and compare your display to any ICC Profile like sRGB or Adobe RGB or any standard or custom profile including another display, printer, or common color space. This provides a very fast way to check if any specific color can be accurately displayed on your monitor

- Check if your display renders GRACoL CMYK accurately. A fast, simple test will report if your display profile is working properly, and is capable of simulating GRACoL CMYK space.
- See how to evaluate if your Display is rendering Color Library samples accurately (we provide a sample Color Library)
- Measure your Lighting Conditions to see how accurate your lighting is (i1Pro or Myiro-1 is required for a detailed report)
Your display can be turned into a soft proofing station, eliminating costly prints to tweak color.

Learn how Adobe Acrobat Pro and CC Display can provide accurate soft proofing control with your colors. Create Color Libraries, and print accurate samples using ChromaChecker Grid, Fan-book, Snowflake, and other great tools to help you master color control. ChromaChecker makes it fast and easy to turn your modern display into an accurate soft proofing workstation.

Read the how-to here.

Need an ICC profile for your RGB or CMYK Printer?
Learn how you can turn your Printer and Photoshop into a high-quality proofing system. ChromaChecker has online tools that support numerous instruments to create ICC profiles (some cost less than $500).

Are you familiar with Delta E (∆E)? Learn about it using online examples.
To quantify color differences several different ∆E formulas have been developed through the years. Today, multiple industries use multiple formulas to calculate ∆E. Understanding how these different formulas result in different numbers for the same pair of colors provides great understanding. We provide free tools that you can use to learn more. The user may experiment with images or spot color samples to see how numbers correspond to human perception. This is a great tool for every color-oriented professional to experiment with to learn about the different methods to define color differences.
Repeat the same test when you are relaxed and rested, early in the morning and late evening, and change the color of the background to see how your brain is interpreting the same task in various scenarios.

We also recommend performing the following tests:
HTML 5 test (check compatibility to latest standards) online version of Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
ChromaChecker Solutions
ChromaChecker can propose professional tools to keep your work in predictive color and fit your expectations.
Our tools are divided into Inspectors:
- Print Inspector
- Color Inspector
- Lighting Inspector
- Display Inspector
- ICC Profile Inspector
- and much more (20+)
If color is one of the key parameters of your profession you will find a lot of features that can make your work easier, faster, and more predictable.
Our solution is tailored for three main kinds of users that are focused on
- Print Industry
- Color Manufacturer
- Design and Photography
Starting from freelance designers, architects, and photographers to large organizations with dozens of departments worldwide can realize benefits from the ChromaChecker Color Conformance Platform. Learn more.

CC Display easily assesses if your display is suitable to meet your color expectations, if it is, it can create an accurate ICC Profile for your display which allows you to trust the colors.
For an administrator, the cloud-based solution offers some unique features and creates an overview of how displays are performing within the entire organization.


ICC Profile Inspector
Create and Evaluate ICC profile online.
Compare and use them for dozens of evaluations including
ICC Profiles are the main source of reference data for Print Inspector and Color Inspector.


ChromaChecker provides professional tools to control your color in all scenarios, print, display, manufacturing, and web.


Compare the same image at different E-Factor (95th percentile ∆E) levels (1-9). This is a unique technology that makes it possible to compare not flat color samples but pictures that are composed of thousands of pixels to communicate different levels of E-Factor to quantify expectations.


Supports change ∆E formulas, tolerances, color sets, backgrounds, and other parameters the user can learn the correlation between the delta E metric and the observer's impression.

Printer E- Factor Sampler
This hard copy example provides multiple prints with varying E-Factor levels all coded with symbols to help qualify any person's level of color acceptability, which defines their expectations for a color match.


This Nix spectrophotometer supported by CC Capture can measure print, liquids, dirt, and more which can help ensure and manufacturing process is meeting desired expectations.

- Create a Spectral Color Library
- Export Adobe Color Swatches
- Evaluate Metamerism and Fluorescence
- Create ICC profile
- Verify Printer
- Measure liquids or powders
- and much more


Do you know Metamerism?
Color control and predictability is difficult and metamerism is main culprit. Understanding is the first step to fixing potential issues.

Color Constancy and Metamerism are important problems — learn with us. We provide color knowledge and the tools to control it.
Learn more

Photoshop as a Proofer

Profile your low-cost RGB Printer with ChromaChecker and use Adobe Photoshop as an Advanced Color Management Engine that can print certified proofs!

Learn more

OBAs - Magic Powder...
Optical Brighteners Agents are everywhere..

...papers, textiles, plastics, can contain this technology. Why it is important to understand ...
Learn more