Easy mode / Expert mode

Easy Mode

For everyday routine measurement, a one- step operation is enough to validate the instrument .
Simply measure the Target and upload results to the ChomaChecker server. Current measurement will appear on the top of the list. Simple Pass/Fail will automatically compare some basic numbers withselected class of tolerancies.  In Easy Mode following parameters are taken into account:

  • Max ∆E,
  • CRF for 95%
  • CRF for  90%,
  • Mean ∆E
  • Standard deviation

Additionally, the four worst patches are presented graphically to the right of the numbers, but for the instrument operator the most important characteristic is the presence of PASS mark: 
If the pass mark is present, no further action is required. 
When the FAIL  mark appears, it means that there is a problem with the measurement and it needs to be fixed before the instrument should be used for routine measurements.


Sample Easy Mode page:

Easy Mode offers PDF reporting for selected measurement files – this is usefull for ISO 9001 documentation purposes.

Expert Mode

Expert mode delivers extended analysis information.  Several parts of the detailed report provides extensive information about the results. Instrument Data is separated into different measurement conditions (M0,M1,M2,M3) which can be evaluated over time and compared between instruments.  

Expert mode offers:

  • ∆E timeline
  • CIE Lab values and ∆E (user selectable formulas), ∆C, ∆H, ∆L 
  • Spectral data graph, Spectral absolute and relative errors graphs
  • Maps of trend errors – this unique feature helps to recognize source of potential issue 
  • Metamerism and Fluorescent Indexes 
  • File info and  sharing feature (public link for selected file) 



Deltas Timeline

Graph shows problems of black and other dark patches reading

Relative Spectral Error Graph:


Spectral Error Trend Map:

Graph shows known issue of  unstable source of radiation buit into instrument. (Actual comparison of i1Pro2 cold versus warm measuring same patches)


Consult also: Instrument Inspector menus - how to navigate?



Instrument Inspector Manual


To use Instrument Inspector one of ChromaChecker™ Instrument Inspector
Targets is required. To buy visit to IDEAlliance


Instrument Inspector – How does it work?
Why use Instrument Inspector?
Instrument Inspector Target
Baselines and data averaging
How to start-up?
Instrument Inspector menus - how to navigate?
Easy mode / Expert mode 
Data sharing 
Instrument's comparison
Instrument’s compatibility list
General rules
Tricks and Tips




Supported Instruments – manuals
X-Rite i1 Pro 1
X-Ritei1 Pro 2
X-Rite i1iO
X-Rite iSis
X-Rite DTP-70
X-Rite Intelitrax
X-Rite eXact – manual mode
X-Rite eXact – scan mode

X-Rite 530
X-Rite 939
X-Rite SpectroEye & other from X-Rite
Techkon Instruments
Barbieri instruments