Instrument Inspector Menu


1. Top menu / tool management




This tab is intended to manage your instrument list.

Clicking on the  Instrument you can edit it, delete it or enter measurement data / baselines.

Each registered instruments has its directory to store measured data. Specific technical requirements are covered thanks to dedicated import filters. In some cases, data have to be reordered, or some scanned  patches has to be ignored, as they are out of the list of core 42. Therefore, it is not possible to upload data correctly when the wrong  type of instrument is selected.   

For each additional instrument, a new subscription is required.  
Add new instrument definition with "Add Instrument" button




 This tab is intended to manage your Targets list. It enables Target activation:


Clicking on the  target  on the list you can edit its name or delete it.




Preferences  are used to choose ?E formula, Illuminant for Metamerism Index, and other important settings for analysis and displaying data e.g. class of tolerances.
Data selected in this window is stored on your local computer as cookies.




This is an unique capability of Chromachecker that makes it possible to share instrument data between different users to compare the accuracy to your tolerance. Users can freely exchange data between each other with each other's permission. For this option, one user invites the other, and when permission is granted, the data can be shared. This works in one direction. 

On top there is a list of the instruments thatotherusersgrantedaccesstoYou,next list of users who can see your data, next invitation form for the data sharing.



Other buttons in Top menu:

Compatibility list

List of instruments and related manuals, software settings etc.

Quick Start Guide



 2. Easy mode



Switch between user registered and parters instruments.




Upload your measurement files (up to 20 at once)



List of measurements related to selected instrument.This button enters Easy mode (pass/fail list with basic parameters only) 



List and management of baselines related to previously selected instrument. 



Comparision tool – enables access to all baselines: custom, shared and production



Display manual's table of content



Target selector:

Caution: only files related to selected Target will be listed!


Setup button  – similar functionality to preferences but  this is for temporary changes only!



 3. Expert mode



Plot ∆E , max and. mean ∆E, ∆H, ∆C and ∆L  over time


CIELab and ∆E

Plot and lists detailed information: ∆E, RF and CRF, ∆H, ∆C, ∆L for all patches



Displays  spectral curves (patch selector), relative and absolute spectral error


Trend Map

Shows spectral trend map. This unique feature helps to understand global differences between sets of curves. 


MI, FI and FMI

Metamerism Index, Fluorescent Metamerism Index and Fluorescent Index


File Info

List basic information about measurement file, makes possible to edit name or share measurement file.




Instrument Inspector Manual


To use Instrument Inspector one of ChromaChecker™ Instrument Inspector
Targets is required. To buy visit to IDEAlliance


Instrument Inspector – How does it work?
Why use Instrument Inspector?
Instrument Inspector Target
Baselines and data averaging
How to start-up?
Instrument Inspector menus - how to navigate?
Easy mode / Expert mode 
Data sharing 
Instrument's comparison
Instrument’s compatibility list
General rules
Tricks and Tips




Supported Instruments – manuals
X-Rite i1 Pro 1
X-Ritei1 Pro 2
X-Rite i1iO
X-Rite iSis
X-Rite DTP-70
X-Rite Intelitrax
X-Rite eXact – manual mode
X-Rite eXact – scan mode

X-Rite 530
X-Rite 939
X-Rite SpectroEye & other from X-Rite
Techkon Instruments
Barbieri instruments