i1 Pro 1
Launch X-Rite™ i1Profiler software. This software can be used in demo mode for data capture.
Download this software free from the X-Rite web site: www.xrite.com
Switch software from Basic to Advanced mode.
Connect your instrument to the computer.
Make sure CMYK Printer is selected under the "Printer" section. Then select "Measure Chart" in CMYK Printer section.
Select your instrument (Device setup)
Define Patch Layout as follows:
Rows per page: 6
Columns per page: 7
Set measurement Mode to single scan
Place instrument on the calibration plate and calibrate it (press "Calibrate" button).
Remember to clean calibration plate (ceramic tile) before calibration. Be sure that instrument is not very cold or hot (store it in its recommended temperature). Check if optical patch is free of artifacts and dust. Carefully clean glass if necessary:
Proper calibration procedures have a very strong influence on measurement results.
Place Target on instruments ruler.
Depending which target you are going to use follow instructions bellow:
X-42 B-42
Red arrows show recommended alignment of targets and stop sticks (blue stick inside guide to stop i1).
X-42 Instrument Inspector Target
This Target should be placed at the top of the ruler.
We recommend using a stop stick (blue element placed on the ruler). Made of plastic tube or any other material. This helps to limit the movement of spectrophotometer. For i1 Pro and X-42 length of this stop should be around 4.5" (114 mm). Make stop stick yourself as it is not delivered with target (optional).
B-42 Instrument Inspector Target.
For the B-42 version we recommend the opposite position on the ruler.
Recommend stop stick (blue element) for B-42 (same length of 4.5" (114 mm)), but has to be placed on opposite side of target.
Scan first line - start from BLUE patch on the bottom - move in the direction from BLUE to BLACK on the end of first scanning line.
Continue with second and third etc until finished.
Always scan in only one direction from the bottom to top of the target! The last scanning line starts with GREEN and ends with RED patch.
Displayed on screen patch layout shows ChromaChecker Target rotated 90° clockwise.
During scanning slide your instrument slowly, hold it firmly to avoid shaking:
When measurement is successfully completed, save CxF file on your hard drive. Your data is now ready for upload. Use naming convention with target serial number.
Upload data to your ChromaChecker account.
- We recommend warming-up the instrument before use– simply measure the first line two or three times in a row.
- Scanning has to start from white area on target and finish on white area - using recommended stop sticks and suggested positioning on the ruler makes it easy.
- For multiple measurements always start by performing a new calibration.
- Check if instrument scratches target - if so clean bottom of instrument and if necessary use paper bar to lift ruler slightly up - be careful not to lift it too much.
Instrument Inspector Manual
To use Instrument Inspector one of ChromaChecker™ Instrument Inspector
Targets is required. To buy visit to IDEAlliance
Instrument Inspector – How does it work?
Why use Instrument Inspector?
Instrument Inspector Target
Baselines and data averaging
How to start-up?
Instrument Inspector menus - how to navigate?
Easy mode / Expert mode
Data sharing
Instrument's comparison
Instrument’s compatibility list
General rules
Tricks and Tips
Supported Instruments – manuals
X-Rite i1 Pro 1
X-Ritei1 Pro 2
X-Rite i1iO
X-Rite iSis
X-Rite DTP-70
X-Rite Intelitrax
X-Rite eXact – manual mode
X-Rite eXact – scan mode
X-Rite 530
X-Rite 939
X-Rite SpectroEye & other from X-Rite
Techkon Instruments
Barbieri instruments